Despite Young Tiger Jr.NTR’s previous two films Shakti and Oosaravelli not doing great at the Box-Office, his forthcoming film Dammu has been doing stunning pre-release business. If the reports are to be believed Dammu has done super business of Rs.40 Crores even before the movie release.
Boyapati Srinu directed Dammu is a commercial mass entertainer produced by Alexander Vallabha on Creative Commercials with heroines as Trisha and Karthika. Keeravani is the music director.
Here is the territory wise pre-release business of Dammu:
Nizam, Karnataka regions – Bagged by Dil Raju, Kuberan Pictures - 11 Crs
Nellore, Guntur regions - Bagged by Bakery Prasad - 7.20 Crs
Uttarandhra region - Bagged by Bharath Pictures - 3.45 Crs
West Godavari region - Bagged by Mahalakshmi Films - 2.10 Crs
East Godavari region - Bagged by Gayatri Films - 2 Crs
By including the Ceded, Overseas regions plus the Audio and Satellite rights the collective number is approximately 40 crores.
Boyapati Srinu directed Dammu is a commercial mass entertainer produced by Alexander Vallabha on Creative Commercials with heroines as Trisha and Karthika. Keeravani is the music director.
Here is the territory wise pre-release business of Dammu:
Nizam, Karnataka regions – Bagged by Dil Raju, Kuberan Pictures - 11 Crs
Nellore, Guntur regions - Bagged by Bakery Prasad - 7.20 Crs
Uttarandhra region - Bagged by Bharath Pictures - 3.45 Crs
West Godavari region - Bagged by Mahalakshmi Films - 2.10 Crs
East Godavari region - Bagged by Gayatri Films - 2 Crs
By including the Ceded, Overseas regions plus the Audio and Satellite rights the collective number is approximately 40 crores.
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