
Businessman completed 50 days run

Mahesh Babu starrer Businessman has completed 50 days run in around 60 centers overall. The film which was released massively has brought in huge collections in the first weekend by setting the new figures.

Businessman was a good hit in AP while it resulted as an average in overeas since it was sold for very high prices. Businessman directed by Puri Jagannadh with Kajal Agarwal as heroine was appreciated by critics for its dialogues penned by the director in the film.

Mahesh Babu scored back to back hits with Dookudu and Businessman and he garnered immense fan base all over. For now, Mahesh is busy with the shooting schedules of the multi-starrer film Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu after which he will start shoot for Sukumar;s movie.

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