Director Gunasekhar, who is facing a stream of disasters like Sainikudu, Varudu, Nippu et al is now planning a big-budget film Rani Rudrama Devi. Though he has announced it long back, Gunasekhar has put it aside for sometime and directed other films.
Now, he said that he is working on the script and is one of the biggest budget movies of Tollywood . “I have been dreaming about making historical movie Rudrama Devi from the release time of Okkadu. The film will be made on a lavish budget and high technology,” said Gunasekhar.
Few actresses Anushka, Nayanthara and Priyanka Chopra have been under consideration for the title role. However, Gunasekhar is yet to announce the heroine.
Now, he said that he is working on the script and is one of the biggest budget movies of Tollywood . “I have been dreaming about making historical movie Rudrama Devi from the release time of Okkadu. The film will be made on a lavish budget and high technology,” said Gunasekhar.
Few actresses Anushka, Nayanthara and Priyanka Chopra have been under consideration for the title role. However, Gunasekhar is yet to announce the heroine.
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